Welcome To My World

I am deeply concerned with getting to the bottom autism, the zombie apocalypse, my children, lovely husband, odd bits of trivia, animals, Tool, and the hygiene habits of Walmart patrons. If any of these descriptions fit you....welcome to my world!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

What The Hell!?

I have been resisting the pull of blogging for a long time, but what the hell, I might as well start somewhere so I'm starting here. How will it turn out? We will find out together! Unlike people on reality television shows who suddenly find that their life is fascinating enough to enthrall audiences for an hour a week, I do not. However, I do see and hear crazy, odd, profound, zen, and just plain hilarious things everywhere I go. I also have unusual interests and strange preoccupations to share. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do!


Beth Jones said...

YAAAAAY!!! I'm so happy for you!!!!!

Joss said...

Me too! I'm so obsessed!

T ™ said...

Hehe! Maybe having you on here too will help me get back into blogging myself. :P -T
