Welcome To My World

I am deeply concerned with getting to the bottom autism, the zombie apocalypse, my children, lovely husband, odd bits of trivia, animals, Tool, and the hygiene habits of Walmart patrons. If any of these descriptions fit you....welcome to my world!

Friday, March 23, 2012

If You're Happy and You Know It......

I used to love the "Happy and You Know It" song as a child.  I always clapped my hands.  But now that I am in my 40's, it isn't that simple is it?  Am I happy?  Absolutely I am!  I have an amazing husband, I have a job, two beautiful children, a dog and cat, a home and loads of friends, who wouldn't be happy?  Well, just as Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs http://psychology.about.com/od/theoriesofpersonality/a/hierarchyneeds.htm predicts, what necessitates our contentment gets more and more complex as we acquire each level.  I and many of my friends are at the top level-self-fulfillment-and we crave more....more success, stature, admiration, self-acceptance, love...just more.  As one in peri-menapause I can tell you that there are even times when I don't know what I want.  There are times when I am just generally meloncholy.  I am very grateful for what I have, but would the more I crave guarantee happiness?  I'm afraid not.  This is what it is to be human.  We experience joy, anger, love, ecstasy, frustration, grief, sorrow, wonder....and not all in that order.  Are you Happy?  Do you know it?  What is the sound of one hand clapping?

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